Lymph nodeenlargement in cancer patients often directs to a metastatic disease leading to unnecessary lymph node dissection. But in developing countries, where tb is very prevalent, any lymph node enlargement specially in immunocompromised patients should warrant us to investigate further before dissection and rule out tb in tb endemic countries. Tuberculous lymphadenopathy in cancer patients is increasing in number. Lymphadenopathy is the most common form of extrapulmonary lymphadenopathy and cervical lymph node enlargement if the most common site. there is limited literature on this aspect of inflammatory lymphadenopathy and radiologically enlarged lymph nodes in cancer patients. Here we present a case of cervical lymphnode enlargement in patients of renal cell carcinoma .
Keywords: tuberculosis, renal cell carcinoma, extra pulmonary TB.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Hina Afreen
Senior Resident, Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine, Shadan Institute of Medical Sciences