A descriptive survey to assess knowledge and attitude of postnatal mothers, related to family planning was conducted among 100 samples. Mothers were interviewed with valid and reliable tools which were demographic Performa, Structured knowledge questionnaire on family planning and Attitude scale to assess attitude towards family planning. Findings of the study revealed that out of 100 postnatal mothers’ majority (65%) had average knowledge level and 23% of them had below average knowledge level and very few of them (12%) had above average knowledge level. 49% had attitude score range from 51-60 (partially favorable), 32% scored the range of 61-70 (favorable) and only 13% score ranged 41-50 (unfavorable). The variables like educational qualification, number of children and information on contraceptives had significant association with the knowledge level. There was no significant association found between attitude with selected variables. Findings also revealed that there was a positive relation between the knowledge and attitude on family planning among postnatal mothers. Considering the need for awareness and acceptance of family planning in India, the study has its implications in the fields of nursing practice, nursing administration, nursing education, community health nursing and nursing research.
Keywords: Assessment, Family planning, Knowledge, Attitude, Postnatal mothers.
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Corresponding Author
Moumita Bishnu Roy
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Nursing, Aliah University, Kolkata, Pin-700014