Title: Laproscopic Radical Nephrectomy for Management of Renal Tumors
Authors: Dr Mehnaz Bhat, Dr Suhail Bhat, Dr Nazrana Farooq, Dr Javaid Qadri, Dr Mufti Mahmood Ahmad, Dr Rouf Hussain Rather
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v10i9.07
Background: Laproscopic radical nephrectomy is the treatment of choice for small renal tumors, when a kidney cannot be saved due extensive involvement and when tumor size is large.
Aim and Objective: To assess the feasibility of management of renal tumours through laproscopic approach.
Methods: In this prospective study 27 consecutive subjects were operated by a single surgeon using laproscope and were followed for the outcome.
Results: Ten (37%) had right sided lesion where as 17 (73%) were having left sided lesion of kidney. The drain was removed in < 3 days in 22 (81%) of the patients and in 3-5 days in 5 (19%) patients. In our study all of patients i.e. 27 (100%) were discharged within 4 days after surgery. None of the patients had blood loss or adjacent organ injury. All the subjects recovered fully without any major complication.
Conclusion: In experienced hands the laproscopic radical nephrectomy seems to be feasible and convenient with less cost involvement.
Keywords: Nephrectomy, Renal Tumours, laproscopic approach.