Superficial palmar arch (SPA) is an important arterial anastomotic arcade which is the dominant vascular supply to the majority of the palmar muscles21. Maximum contribution in the arch is by an ulnar artery and it is completed by superficial palmar branch of radial artery or arteria princeps pollicis or arteria radialis indicis or median artery. The SPA develops as a terminal plexus of axis artery which is later joined by median, ulnar and radial arteries as these arteries develop29. Present variations of superficial palmar arch and their digital branches was observed during routine dissection on cadavers in the department of anatomy, Rajah muthiah medical college, Chidambaram. Dissection of arch was carried out and variations of superficial palmar arch with regards to formative arteries and branching pattern are studied in detail. In the present study, out of 50 limbs, 28(56%) limbs showed complete palmar arch with ulnar and radial artery, 14(28%) with ulnar artery alone, 2(4%)showed incomplete arch with median, ulnar and radial artery and 6(12%)limbs showed incomplete arch with ulnar artery and radial artery
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Corresponding Author
Dr A.Karthikeyan
Post Graduate Student, Dept of Anatomy, Government Cuddalore Medical College, Chidambaram