Title: Biohazard Waste Management in Dental Clinics, Overview and Cross Sectional Study
Authors: Abdulrahman Albraithen, Abdulrahman Aldawas, Saleh Alfaleh, Abdelmgeed Hamdi, Turki Juraybi, Abdullah Abuqarnin
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v10i3.07
The amount of waste being made in the dental industry is considerably high but not that high as compared to other medical or health care facilities. Several developed countries have established an elaborated system for the management of health care wastes. But unfortunately, developing countries still tend to suffer from improper waste disposal, insufficient financial resources, lack of awareness of health hazards, and little data on health care waste generation and disposal. The dental disposal can be turned into non-hazardous waste by following proper guidelines.
In this study, about fifty-five private clinics were included. After the deep analysis of data, it was revealed that the prevalence of awareness of dental waste management was about ten percent.
The percentage of disposal of waste material without proper framework was quite high in both public and private sectors. The percentage or ratio who disposed of within the standardized method was less than ten percent and there was no one who threw the harmful garbage with standardized method.