Title: Pulmonary Rehabilitation in COPD Patients
Author: Dr Suresh Patil, MD
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v10i2.03
Aims and Objectives
- To study the efficacy and fesiablity of pulmonary rehabilitation offered through tele-medicine
- To study the outcomes of patients on pulmonary rehabilitation offered through tele-medicine
Material and Method
Sample Size: 50
Inclusion Criteria
- Patients diagnosed COPD and on regular follow-up in OPD
- Patients classified as GOLD 1 and GOLD 2 stage of severity
- Patents consenting for the study
- Patients with access to internet enabled smartphone devices
- Patients willing to spare at least 30 minutes per day
Exclusion Criteria
- Patients not consenting for the study
- Patients with comorbidities
- Patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis
- Patients with recent history of cerebrovascular accident in past 3 months
Home based pulmonary rehabilitation programme was offered to the study subjects fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Pulmonologist were actively involved. Baseline characteristics of the study subjects were collected. Duration of the programme was 24 weeks. CAT scores and quality of life was assed of all the study subjects.