Introduction: The disease is spread among pigs by direct and indirect contact, aerosols, and from pigs that are infected but do not have symptoms. The swine flu origin Influenza H1N1 Virus that appeared in 2009 and was first found in Mexico is a reassortant with at least three parents. Swine flu is a disease of pigs that can in rare cases can be passed to humans. It is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by one of much Influenza viruses.
Methodology: A quantitative research approach and descriptive design was used for the study. The study sample size was 150 and the sampling technique used was convenient sampling technique for selecting the sample. The knowledge was assessed by the help of structured questionnaire tool and selected variables included in the study were age, gender, level of education, residence, type of family, family income, nutritional pattern, father education, mother education, heard about swine flu, source of information, swine flu vaccine. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Bar, cylindrical, pyramid diagrams were used to depict the finding and to interpret data.
Result: After pretest majority of 97(64.7%) students had average knowledge regarding prevention and management of swine flu .After posttest majority of 127(84.7%) students had good knowledge regarding prevention and management of swine flu. Knowledge regarding swine flu is associated with age of students (P-0.024), source of information (0.010) as calculated by chi-test and t value was significant at 0.05 level. Association of knowledge regarding swine flu with sex (0.611), level of education (0.665) residence (0.106), family (0.976), family income (0.124), nutritional pattern (0.488), father’s education (0.488), mother’s education (0.163), have you heard about swine flu (0.7143), have you taken swine flu vaccine (0.065) as calculated chi-test and t value was non-significant.
Keyword: Knowledge, Students, Swine flu, School.
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Corresponding Author
Jyoti Bagga
Assistant Professor, Abhilashi College of Nursing, Mandi, H.P. 175008