Background: FNAC of palpable masses has important diagnostic role. As it is a safe, simple and rapid procedure, it can be done in the diagnosis of a wide range of diseases even in most remote areas where other diagnostic tools are not available.
Aims: The present study was designed to find out the spectrum of head and neck masses, their cytohistological correlation and diagnostic accuracy of FNAC.
Material and Methods: The study included 1857 patients with palpable head and neck masses, FNAC was done, histopathological examination was done where available, cytological findings were correlated with histopathology and diagnostic accuracy of FNAC was evaluated.
Results: Sites involved were lymph node (74.4%), thyroid gland (11.7%), miscellaneous lesions (11.2%) and salivary gland(1.2%). FNAC yielded overall accuracy of 88%.
Conclusion: FNAC is highly diagnostic procedure for assessing swelling of head and neck region.
Keywords: head and neck lesions, fine needle aspiration cytology.
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Corresponding Author
Preeti Singh, MD
Associate professor, Department of Pathology, L.L.R.M. Medical College, Meerut-25004