Title: Study of Stridor in Adults
Authors: Dr Deepak Parmar, Dr Vinay Gangwani, Dr Jyoti Sharma
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i7.100
Stridor is an abnormal, harsh, high pitched, turbulent musical breathing sound caused by partial obstruction in the larynx/tracheobronchial tree and is usually associated with dyspnea. stridor indicates an emergency and should always evaluate immediately.1
Stridor is an Emergency Condition. Its indicates an obstruction of the airway. Stridor in adult a manifestation of airway obstruction, due to growth larynx, larynx edema etc.
It is more common in males than females. Growth larynx was once one of the most common causes of airway obstruction.
Early detection of stridor is very important to avoid the complications. Some symptoms such as Dyspnea, excessive use of respiratory muscles and intercostal recession are important warning signs that the airway obstruction is severe enough to compromise the airway ventilation.
There are several important signs and symptoms which a physician should look out for increasing severity of the airway obstruction. The warning signs of stridor are presence of drooling, tripod position, cyanosis, decreased conscious level, respiratory distress, silent chest, and episodes of apnoea.2
It is important that a proper history taking and physical examination are the important key in assisting the physician in the diagnosing and management of stridor in the emergency department. Delay or misdiagnose the cause of the stridor may lead to mismanagement of the patient and causing very serious morbidity.3