The incidence of primary lymphoma of colon is only 0.2-1.2 % of all colonic malignancies. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) is the the most common among primary colonic lymphoma. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract accounting for 30-40% of all extra nodal lymphomas and approximately 4-20% of which are NHL. Most common site for GI lymphoma is stomach followed by the small intestine. The treatment depends upon the stage of the disease. Early stage disease can be managed by radical tumor resection (hemicolectomy) plus multi-agent chemotherapy (polychemotherapy). Advanced stage can be managed by biopsy plus multidrug chemotherapy. Surgery alone can be considered as an adequate treatment for patients with low-grade NHL disease that does not infiltrate beyond the sub-mucosa. Here, we have described a case, who presented with acute intestinal intussusception and vomiting in emergency, later on we found an intraluminal growth in ascending colon and on detailed histopathological examination (HPE) confirms that it was an NHL (diffuse large B-cell type).
Keywords: Non –Hodgkin lymphoma, chemotherapy, hemicolectomy.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Shabnum Thakur (MD Radiotherapy)
Senior Resident, Department of Radiotherapy & Oncology, IGMC Shimla (H.P), India