Title: Efficacy of low dose Mifepristone in the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids
Authors: Dr Alla Satyanarayana Reddy, MD, Dr Saranya G, MBBS
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i7.76
Selective Progesterone Receptor Modulators (SPRMs) are one of the medical managements of the fibroids. Perimenopausal women with fibroids awaiting hysterectomy, younger women who want to conserve their fertility/uterus, women with big fibroids and severe anaemia are the ideal candidates for the usage of SPRMs. Mifepristone is the cheap, commonly used SPRMs. A study was conducted in a rural based medical college in South India to evaluate the efficacy of mifepristone in the management of fibroids.
Sixty women with menorrhagia, fibroids, uterine size less than 12 weeks pregnancy size were given 10 mg of mifepristone daily for three months. Pictorial Blood loss Assessment Chart (PBAC) scale, size of the uterus, size of the fibroids, haemoglobin level was monitored at the initiation of the treatment and at the end of the treatment. The mean PBAC score was 124.6 before and 17.87 after treatment. 78% of women were amenorrhoic during treatment. The mean volume of the uterus, the mean volume of the fibroidsgot reduced by 27.7% and 28.2% respectively. Hot flushes was the commonest side effect. Haemoglobin rose from 8.86 gms% to 10.88 gms%. Low dose mifepristone can be used as a temporary medication in the medical management of fibroids.
Keywords: Fibroids; SPRMs; PBAC; Menorrhagia; Mifepristone.