Title: Gossypiboma- A Rare Case of Spontaneous Intraluminal Migration of Surgical Sponge
Authors: Dr Govind Madhav, Dr Siddhartha Rao, Dr Md Muzamil (MBBS, DNB), Dr Amit Kumar Rai
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i7.75
Gossypiboma or textiloma is a mass of cotton matrix which is retained in body cavity following a surgical procedure. Most frequently diagnosed in abdominal cavity following emergency surgeries especially Gynecological and Obstetric procedure.
Clinical manifestations of these cases are as fistula, abscess, intestinal obstruction or aseptic fibrotic reaction, which develops into mass abdomen. But intraluminal migration of retained surgical sponge in gastro-intestinal lumen is rare.
We are reporting a rare case of spontaneous migration of surgical sponge into lumen of Ileum in a 34 years old lady following Caesarean section 8 months ago. Clinical examination revealed a palpable lump in left Para umbilical region. CT scan of abdomen revealed mass in small intestine (Ileum).
On exploratory laparotomy a mass was seen in Ileum with minimal surrounding adhesion. Mass was excised in toto followed by Ileo-ileal anastomosis.
A 30X30 cm surgical sponge was removed from Ileal loop.
Keywords: Gossypiboma, Intraluminal migration, Retained surgical sponge, Ileocecal valve