Conjoint twins (CTs) are a very rare entity since it is estimated to occur in 1.5 per 100,000 births worldwide. Female:male CTs are 3:1. Conjoint twins are monozygotic twins. In this sense, they share the same zygote where the twinning is initiated after 13 days of fertilization of egg. Ischiopagus is a very rare variety of conjoined twins with very few cases reported in the literature. Ultrasonography has made early diagnosis of conjoined twins possible, allowing prompt management and counselling of parents. The location and extent of fusion between the twins determine the potential for surgical separation and postnatal survival. Here a case of conjoined ischiophagus twins, diagnosed by ultrasonography at 12 weeks of gestation is presented. Due to high complexity of fetal fusion, termination of pregnancy was performed upon patient´s request.
Keywords: Conjoined twins, Prenatal diagnosis, ischiopagus, Ultrasonography.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Naveen Kumar
Post graduate in Department of Paediatrics IGMC Shimla HP India