Title: How to Take Care of Your Diabetes in This COVID-19 Era?: Simple Guidelines for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Authors: Dr Alankar Tiwari, Dr Saumya Pandey
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i7.48
In this time of unprecedented crisis of COVID-19 which is trying so hard to touch the peak in India, management of Diabetes mellitus, which is already in a compromised state in our country, is a hard nut to crack both for the doctors and the patients as well. Issues like lack of awareness, scarcity of healthcare specialists and poor access to healthcare facilities make management of diabetes and its complications a huge challenge for clinicians.
For the past four months, physical access to the treating doctors and healthcare setups have been restricted due to the nation-wide lockdown and even after “unlock phase-1”, movements are still not totally unrestricted and it should not be so either, as Corona virus pandemic is still at surge and chances of contracting the virus is much more for persons with low immunity levels like those having diabetes. And most of the patients of diabetes are above 50 years of age which adds to their venerability for catching COVID-19.