To manage post-operative complications of surgical removal of lower third molar like pain, swelling, trismus impaired wound healing and periodontal defects is one of the most challenging tasks in current day in oral and maxillofacial surgical practice. Use of various flap design such as lingually based triangular flap may reduce complication that occur after surgical extraction of third molar. Efficacy of lingually based triangular flap vs routinely used triangular flap design in third molar surgery. The prospective randomized comparative study conducted on 30 patients undergone surgical removal of mandibular third molars. Group(A) 15 patients selected in the group where triangular flap was placed, Group (B) 15 patients selected in the group where lingual based triangular flap was placed. Swelling was evaluated using a modification of tape measure method described by Gabka and Matsumara, pain with a visual analogue scale (VAS), and trismus by measuring the maximum inter-incisal opening, pocket depth distal to second molar measuring by Williams prob. Assessments were made on the day of surgery and on post-operative days 2, 7, 14 and 21 after surgery. In group comparison, swelling showed statistically non-significant result in buccal based triangular flap vs lingual based triangular flap. While for pain no significance difference present in study except on 2nd post-operative day. Trismus and pocket depth showed good result in lingual based triangular flap than buccal based triangular flap. The use of lingual based triangular flap in impacted third molar surgery reduce in pain, trismus and periodontal health. Hence, we recommended use of new flap design to minimize the post-operative discomfort after removal of mandibular third molar surgery.
Keywords: Triangular flap, Lingual based triangular flap, Swelling, Pain, Trismus, Periodontal Health, Third molar surgery.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Akash Prajapati
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Private Practitioner at C.G Dental & Maxface Clinic, Modasa, Gujarat