Clear cell sarcoma of kidney is a rare malignant renal neoplasm of childhood, known for its aggressiveness, its tendency for recurrence and metastasis to bone. Three cases of clear cell sarcoma are being reported.
Case 1: A two year old male child having complaint off pain in right lumbar region.USG abdomen revealed right hypoechoic lesion. CECT abdomen revealed 13x11x1ocm heterogenous mass involving right kidney. Microscopy revealed clear cell sarcoma of kidney (classic pattern). Immunohistochemistry showed strong vimentin positivity and negative for cytokeratin and WT-1.
Case 2: A thirty months old male child having complaint of pain in left abdominal region since 8 months. There was history of fever and increased micturition. There was no history of weight loss. His vitals stable. Biochemical and hematological profiles were normal. USG revealed left heterogenous mass lesion ms 6x4x2cm involving left kidney. CT revealed hypoechoic heterogenous mass ms 6x4x2cm involving left kidney. Microscopy revealed clear cell sarcoma.
Case 3: A 2 year old male child presented with right abdominal pain since 1 year. There was no history of fever, weight loss, hematuria. On examination patient had pallor only. Hematological finding normal. Urine examination normal. Chest X-ray normal. USG revealed right hypoechoic heterogenous mass ms13x10x10cm involving right kidney. CT revealed hypoechoic heterogenous mass ms 13x10x10cm involving right kidney.
The purpose of this paper is to review the published series and case reports of CCSK and to create an up-to-date overview of clinical and histological features and IHC.
Keywords: Tumor, Malignant, Bone metastasizing, child.
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Corresponding Author
Teena Sharma
Department of Pathology, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, India