Amyand Hernia is a rare atypical hernia characterized by the herniation of appendix into inguinal sac, has incidence of approximately 1%. However, the condition is complicated by acute appendicitis in 0.8%. This may present without symptoms until inflammation of appendix may lead to incarceration, strangulation, necrosis, or perforation. Early symptoms include tenderness and inguinal swelling, may be misdiagnosed as strangulated hernia. This condition is difficult to diagnose clinically. Ultrasonography and computerized Tomography may reveal diagnosis. It is very rarely recognized before surgical exploration. We report a case of Amyand Hernia in a 60 years old male, presented as a right sided inguinal hernia with mild pain in the right groin. He underwent herniotomyand herniorraphy, which revealed elongated inflamed appendix with some adhesions to sac, lying in inguinal canal.
Keywords: Amyand hernia, appendix, inguinal hernia, herniotomy, herniorraphy, appendectomy.
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Corresponding Author
Raj Ranjan Kumar
Department of Surgery, DSP Main Hospital, J.M. Sengupta Road, Durgapur Steel Plant,
Durgapur-713205, West Bengal, India