Title: Submental Liposuction: 30 Cases Review
Authors: Dr Supriya Kokane Patil, Dr Parag Patil, Dr Jubina Puthen purayil, Dr Kalpana Rajivkumar, Dr Prashant Kokane
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i7.14
Submental liposuction is most commonly performed aesthetic surgery procedure nowadays. Modern liposuction technique was first experimented by Giorgio Fischer and Arpad Fischer, subsequently the technique was significantly modified. In 1996, Michael Zocchi developed the ultrasonic liposuction which makes the aspiration easier. Various methods has been tried like dry method and wet method. The whole aim of the procedure is to remove the submental subcutaneous fat with minimal scar to maintain the facial contour.
Method: Prospective study of 30 cases who underwent submental liposuction for facial and neck rejuvenation. Cervicofacial liposuction was done in all cases under local anesthesia with sedation by the same surgical team. Preoperative and the postoperative photographs compared in terms of the cervicomandibular angle and patient satisfaction.
Result: Among the 30 cases, 86.6% of the cases in this study got excellent post operative result in their neck contour. 2 got post operative sagging in the submandibular and sub mental region. The result did not meet the patient expectation in one of the cases.
Conclusion: Submental liposuction is a very effective and reliable rejuvenation technique in selected patients. In this study we took the surgical outcome in terms of patient satisfaction to obtain good result.