This review study aims at discussing the linkage between COVID-19 and biomedical waste management. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has already turned healthy places around the world into a living hell with massive death tolls because of its fastest-spreading nature, and continuously leading to lockdowns in almost every part of the world. Amid all the problems so far it created, one significant problem that can create major havoc in this already devastating and contagious atmosphere in a densely populated city is, not handling medical waste properly. It was a systemic review study regarding the relationship between COVID-19 and biomedical waste management. We have gathered total 26 articles and newsletters related to COVID-19 and biomedical waste management using different search portal like PubMed, Google Scholar, Nature, and Lancet. After proper literature review only 12 articles and newsletters which were related to this study were taken for this systemic review purpose. If the massive amount of medical wastages cannot be managed through maintaining proper and adequate guidelines, chances of community-based spreading of COVID-19 can exceed the limit and take more lives in the upcoming days.
Keywords: Biomedical waste management, Pandemic COVID-19.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Irin Hossain
National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM), Dhaka, Bangladesh