This study determined the prevalence of occupational health hazards and associated factors among Integrated Craft Production Centers in Rwanda. Adopted a cross-sectional design involving both qualitative and quantitative data collection approaches. Where 276 workers selected systematically participated in the study. Data were collected using semi structured questionnaires, a focus group discussion with guide and an observational checklist. Among 276 study participant 97.1% are exposed to occupational hazards mainly Noise 93.8%, Fall of material 89.9% and use of sharp equipment 89,5%. Moreover, factors associated with occurrence of occupational hazards were poor infrastructure (P=0.005), lack of complete Personal Protective Equipment (P=0.000), little knowledge on health and safety measures (P=0.0014), negligence of safety procedure (P=0.003), Distraction with other issues during work (P= 0.004), Lack of skills and experience (P=0.003) and Lack of knowledge of job responsibilities (P= 0.028). By Conclusion, workers are exposed to occupational hazards, thus it is necessary to establish occupational health and safety trainings and awareness campaign.
Keywords: Factors, Health, Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational Hazards.
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School of Public Health, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya