Title: Management of Moderate to Severe Marcus Gunn Syndrome by Levator Disinsertion and Frontalis Sling of Affected Eye
Authors: Dr (Prof) P.Rawat, Dr Awani Dubey, Dr Shikha Kudape, Dr Upali Tiwari
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i5.30
Purpose: To describe the treatment of Marcus gunn jaw winking ptosis by levator disinsertion and silicone sling surgery
Methods: A 12-year old female patient presented with drooping of left upper lid since birth with defective vision. She had a mild chin elevation.
In this case, levator muscle was disinserted and the eyelid was coupled to the frontalis muscle using a sling made of a synthetic material. By recruiting the frontalis muscle to raise the eyelids, this procedure relieved the dysfunctional levator from contributing to eyelid elevation.
Results: Following surgery, the lid lag, which was quite marked at the beginning, was much reduced after three months. The lagophthalmos was minimal. A good symmetrical lift with a good lid fold was obtained. There were no post-operative complications like suture abcess, overcorrection or under correction
Conclusions: Surgical treatment of mild to moderate marcusgunn jaw winking ptosis could be done with affected eye levator disinsertion with frontalis sling surgery rather than operating on both eyes.