Title: Simple Congenital Severe Ptosis
Authors: Dr (Prof.) P. Rawat, Dr Resham Kuldeep
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i5.27
Case Report
Patient Details: Name-XXX, Age/Sex-10 year/male, Address- Indore, MP, India
History: Chief complaints: As per the pt parent -Drooping of upper eyelid of LE since birth.
History of Presenting Illness: As per the history given by the parent, he had drooping of upper eyelid of left eye since birth which was non progressive and painless.
There were no aggravating or precipitating factors.
No any h/o DOV
No history of double vision or deviation of either eye
No history of recurrent swelling of eyelid and pain
No history of generalized weakness or stiffness in body
No history of diurnal variation No history of contact lens use.
No complaints in right eye