Title: Study of Effect of L-Arginine in IUGR Cases with Its Fetal Outcome
Authors: Dr Ritu Kumari, Dr Anjana Sinha
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i2.133
IUGR is a major cause of infant mortality & morbidity worldwide. The current management of IUGR being empirical & aimed of selecting a safe time for delivery. Acknowledging, the beneficial effect of L-arginine on endothelial vasculature by producing NO through L-Arginine/No Pathway by sterocospeicific enzyme NO SYNTHETASE, & arginine deficiency may play an important role in causation of IUGR. Starting from 3rd wk of therapy, the umbilical artery pulsatility index were significantly lower in l-arginine then in placebo group. Treatment with L-arginine caused significant increase of middle cerebral artery pulsatility indices & cerebro placental ratio values. The present study showed that neonates delivered in L-arginine group had higher Apgar score. Supplementary t/t with oral L-arginine seems to be promising in improving fetal well bring & neonatal outcome as well as in prolonging pregnancy complicated with preeclampsia.