Title: A comparative study of self-evaluation questionnaire (STAI score) and Serum cortisol levels with relation to academic score in male and female first year MBBS students at the time of examination stress
Authors: Niraj Srivastava, Geeta Batra Srivastava
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i2.123
The current study was conducted in the Department of Physiology, Pt JLN Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Chamba, HP on first year MBBS students.
The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of examination stress measured by self-evaluation questionnaire (STAI score), correlation of examination stress with Serum cortisol level and impact of examination stress on the academic score. The evaluation was done on three different intervals i.e., Pre examination, during Examination and Post examination (two weeks after the examination).
Two parameters were used to measure the level of stress; Spielberger State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI score) self evaluation questionnaire and serum cortisol level.
The study revealed that the group with elevated anxiety (score>40) was associated with significantly increased serum cortisol levels. The anxiety levels were decreased after examination period.
In most of the students expected pattern of increased anxiety during examination and decreased anxiety scores in post- examination were observed. As compared to male students, female students showed increased reactivity of cortisol during examination, which supported the evidence of increased stress response in females. The student’s performance was affected by increased stress level measured by the parameters mentioned.
The present study adds to the literature of the level of stress during examination and its impact on performance in MBBS first year students.
Keywords: Examination Stress, Serum Cortisol, Anxiety, Effect on Performance, STAI.