Gingiva is the common clinical site for various oral lesions. Mostly, they present as gingival growth and are reactive in nature. Endodontic flare-up occur following endodontic treatment and is a significant problem, requiring unscheduled visit to the doctor. A list of risk factors are involved in such flare ups which ultimately could contribute to endodontic failures. Histopathology is a gold standard in the diagnosis of pathologies and must be included for any kind of suspicious lesions. This case report presents two rare cases where gingival overgrowths has occurred following endodontic treatments, which required scrupulous investigation and meticulous treatment.
Keywords: Gingiva, overgrowth, endodontic flare-up, sealant, periapical granuloma.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Amrita Samanta
Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Pathology, NSVK Sri Venkateshwara Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India