Title: Branded Drugs Over Generic Drugs – A Cross Sectional Study
Authors: Dr Priyanka Mahawar, Dr Richa Siddharth, Dr Salil Sakalle, Dr Priyanka Bhaskar, Gajendra Singh, Kritika Shrivastava, Kunjmegh Modi, Mukesh Yadav
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i2.108
Background: The rising health-care expenses remain a serious issue for the health-care system worldwide. Medicines consume major proportion of money spent on healthcare. Generic drugs are copies of brand-name drugs that have exactly the same dosage, intended use, effects, side effects, administration route, risks, safety and strength similar to the original drug.
Aims & Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge of patients on generic drugs.
- To know the perspective of pharmacists and doctors on generic drugs and branded drugs.
Material & Methods: The present study is a cross sectional study on 200 randomly selected OPD patients, 200 randomly selected pharmacists and 200 randomly selected doctors in Indore for 4 months by random selection. Ethical clearance from the college committee was taken. Written informed consent was taken from the participants. The study tool is a pre designed semi structured questionnaire.
Results: 78% of the study population were not aware of the generic drugs. Only 20% patients were aware that the efficacy of branded drug and generic drugs were equal.82% of the pharmacists sold generic drugs while 18% did not sell generic drugs at all. 56% of the pharmacists agreed that the potency and efficacy of branded drugs and generic drugs were the same.40% doctors preferred generic drugs whereas 60% doctors preferred branded drugs. 70% doctors considered the economic status of their patients before prescribing drugs.
Conclusion: Health care costs continue to rise. Not only generic drugs are cost-effective, but also they are safe. Therefore consumers, providers and policymakers need to assess the best way to keep health care affordable.
Keywords: Generic drugs, branded drugs.