Title: A Rare Case of Mosaic Turner Syndrome
Authors: Satyakumari.D, Seshukumari.G, Pothulurayya Chary.K, Keerthi.U, S.S.K.R.Bhimeswararao, R.R.Ramya, Kondalarao.D, Jagadeesh.M
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i2.101
Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder in which a female is partly or completely missing an X chromosome. Turner syndrome affects one in 2,000 to 5,000 female live births. Henry Turner first described the condition in 1938.In 1964, it was determined due to chromosomal abnormality. The chromosomal abnormality may be present in just some cells in which case it is known as Turner Syndrome with Mosaicism. In these cases, the symptoms are usually fewer or none occur at all. The diagnosis based on physical signs and genetic testing.
Keywords: Turner syndrome, Genetic disorder, Mosaicism, X-chromosome, genetic testing, Female sex.