Blood transfusion is an important component of health care and millions of lives are being saved each years through this procedure.{1.2}in Jharkhand scores of peoples visit blood bank of various hospital and other blood donation center to donate blood. Today very important role play blood banks and saving humans lives .Blood bank collected blood from donors, performing screening test and separated in to components stored, and prepared for transfusion to recipients.{3,4,} After blood is drawn, screening tests are also performed for evidence of donor infection with Hepatitis viruses B and C, human immune deficiency viruses (HIV) 1 and 2. Blood bank In the case of reactive screening result, confirmatory testing should be performed to identify infected blood donors should be informed. This study focus on screening test reactive donors Prevalence to HIV and Hepatitis B infection coal field area dhanbad, Jharkhand.
Materials and Methods: All Study was done at the department of Microbiology PMCH Dhanbad from December 2018 to Decembe 2019 with the help of blood Bank PMCH, dhanbad. This study collected approximately 1195 blood donor’s blood sample.This study is done with the name, address, and any other contacts of the Person will be kept secret.
Sample Collection: The blood donor’s blood samples collected to be PMCH blood Bank and within one hours transporting Microbiology dept. lab.
Blood Screening Test: Blood screening test examination used Rapid test kitsHIV and Hepatitis B.
Keywords: Blood screening, Hepatitis B, HIV,and Reactive.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Ajay Kumar
Professor, Dept. of Pathology, PMCH Dhanbad Cum- Blood Bank in – Charge PMCH