Title: MRI Evaluation of Compressive Myelopathy
Authors: Dr Satyendra Mohapatra, Dr Braja Behari Panda, Dr Savitri Bhagat3, Dr Amulya Kumar Panda
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i2.86
Background: Compressive myelopathy is the term used to describe the spinal cord compression either from outside or within the cord. The role of MRI is to distinguish compressive from noncompressive cause of myelopathy.
Material & Method: A cross sectional study of 60 patients with clinical history of compressive myelopathy are evaluated for various causes by 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner.
Result: Out of 60 cases of compressive myelopathy various different causes are trauma (26), Infection (14), Primary Neoplasm (10), Secondary Neoplasm (10).
Conclusion: MRI is very definitive, Sensitive, Accurate, Noninvasive, Radiation free modality for evaluation of compressive myelopathy.
Keyword: MRI, Compressive myelopathy, Primary Neoplasm, Secondary Neoplasm.