Background: Ovarian tumors account for 30% of all cancers of female genital tract which represents the seventh most common cause of cancer and fourth leading cause of death in women. The present study was done with an objective to analyze the frequency of histopathological spectrum of ovarian tumors in our department.
Method: The present two year retrospective study was carried out in the department of Pathology, Government Medical College, Trivandrum from January 2015 to December 2016.
Results: In this study a total of 597 histopathologically proven ovarian tumors were included. These were removed from 570 patients. 27 of them had bilateral ovarian tumors. Majority of ovarian tumors were seen in the age group of 40-49 years (24%) and least below 10 years (0.3%). The most common ovarian tumor encountered was surface epithelial tumor (79%), followed by germ cell tumors (25.5%), sex cord stromal tumors (4.2%), metastasis (0.34%). Serous cystadenoma was the most common surface epithelial tumor (36.7%) and among germ cell tumors, benign cystic teratoma was commonest (24.12%), adult granulosa cell tumors among sex cord stromal tumors (1.51%). In the present study, 85% cases were benign tumors , 3.34% were borderline tumors and 11. 6% were malignant tumors. Commonest clinical presentation for both benign and malignant tumors was abdominal pain followed by mass abdomen.
Conclusion: The majority of ovarian tumors in our study were benign and unilateral. Most common age group with ovarian tumors was 40-49 years .
Keywords: Benign, malignant surface epithelial tumors, Histopathology
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Corresponding Author
Dr Sheela K. M
Associate Professor (Non cadre), Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, India