Hypothyroidism has broad clinical with high prevalence in Indian population. Hypothyroidism has been associated with many co morbid clinical conditions. Current Study conducted as retrospective study using data of newly diagnosed hypothyroid patients collected from outpatient department of Medicine. Study results showed that Female patients were in higher number than males. A total of 46% patients were overweight and 33.3% patients were obese. 58% patients presented with fatigue which was the commonest symptom among patients. Thyroid swelling was observed in 40% of participants. Menstrual abnormalities were reported by 80% female participants. Female participants had lower mean systolic blood pressure than male participants. Overall TSH level among all patients was 24.6 ±32.5mIU/L. Subclinical hypothyroidism was found in 16%patients. Female patients had higher mean TSH as compared to males. 10.6 % of patients were diagnosed to be suffering with Diabetes Mellitus. The current Study concludes that Hypothyroid patients should be evaluated for other co morbid associations for better patient management and outcome.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Sunil Kumar Gupta
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, S Medical College and Hospital, Hapur, U.P., India 245304