Title: Morning Glory Disc Anomaly- A Rare Case Report
Authors: Deepthi Janga, Deepthi Pullepu, V Murali Krishna
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i2.39
- The morning glory disc anomaly is a congenital excavation of the posterior globe that involves the optic disc.
- Although mistakenly referred to as a variant of optic disc coloboma, the morning glory disc anomaly is truly a distinct anomaly, as evidenced by its sporadic occurrence, its lack of association with iris or retinal colobomas, and its systemic associations.
- Here we discuss a case of 14 yrs old presented to our ophthalmology department with left eye morning glory disc anomaly
Keywords: Morning glory disc anomaly, Morning glory syndrome, Excavation