Title: Narayanan Flap in Primary Reconstruction of Large Cheek Defects Following Cancer Resection
Authors: Dr P. Mythili, MS, Dr Yesu Prasad, Dr B.Thrinadh
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i2.30
- Carcinoma buccal mucosa and gingivo-buccal sulcus are common malignancies in our country.
- Following wide local excision / composite resection of tumour, there are large cheek defects.
- The Narayanan bilobed flap can be used specially for reconstruction of these large post-excisional defects in patients with advanced malignancies.
- This flap uses both anterior and posterior branches of the superficial temporal artery to harvest the forehead skin and a scalp flap on a single pedicle.