Title: Significance of C- Reactive Protein in Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis
Authors: Guduru Sumanth, T. Mohan Vijay Kumar, T. Dheeraj, G. Sasi Krishna, T.J. Prasanna Kumar
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i2.28
Background: Appendicectomy for suspected acute appendicitis is a standard procedure. The rate of negative appendicectomy remains high despite advances in investigations. This study emphasizes the value of C reactive protein in patients operated for clinical suspicion of acute appendicitis
Methods: This prospective study was performed on 100 patients who presented with right lower quadrant abdominal pain and were clinically diagnosed with acute appendicitis, who was operated for acute appendicitis. Depending on the results of the examination by a surgeon, patients underwent surgery for treatment of acute appendicitis. C-RP values are compared with histopathology report. Sensitivity, specificity, was calculated.
Results: CRP was high (> 10 mg/L) in 81 individuals with falsely raised in 5 patients, Sensitivity of CRP >10mg is 85.39%, specificity of CRP >10mg is 54.54%.
Conclusion: Serum c reactive protein, when elevated, supports the surgeon's clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis. It can be used frequently to diagnose acute appendicitis so that the complication rate and negative laparotomies can be avoided. It is advisable to observe atypical patients with serial clinical examinations and CRP tests.