Title: Study of Incidence of Malignancy in Upper Gastrointestinal tract in Dyspeptic Patients
Authors: Dr Pankaj K Patel, Dr Manoj Kumar, Dr Vivek Kumar Pandey
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i2.21
Objective: The aim of study was to evaluate the results obtained by histopathological examination of biopsy material of dyspeptic patients who had undergone endoscopy. A correlation with causative agents and various risk factors with the results of histopathological examination was done.
Material and Methods: A total 600 dyspeptic patients were studied and among them 26 cases with malignancy have been included in the present study. Biopsy materials of the present study were collected from Sri Krishna Medical college, Muzaffarpur. Selection of cases for study in the present work was done by taking detailed history and clinical examination of patient suffering from dyspepsia. Prior to endoscopic biopsy all the relevant routine investigations (CBC, ESR, LFT, KFT, BT, CT, Blood sugar and Viral markers) were perfomed. Upper GIT endoscopy was done in selected patients suffering from dyspepsia and suspected biopsy material was taken out and kept in fixative(10 % formal saline).Tissue was processed and stained by H & E stain for histopathological examination.
Result: Malignacy in dyspeptic patient was more in male than female and more common in those whose staple food was rice (46.15 %). Adenocarcinoma of stomach was most common malignancy (92.3 %) followed by squamous cell carcinoma of oesophagus (7.69 %).
Conclusion: The present study has pointed out important epidemiological contribution in the incidence of upper GIT malignancy in dyspeptic patients.
Keyword: Dyspepsia, endoscopic biopsy, upper GIT malignancy.