Title: Multifarious Pediatric Seizures: It’s Correlation with EEG & Neuroimaging
Authors: Dr Sunil Kumar Agarwalla, Dr Kali Prasad Mishra, Dr Nawed Momin
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i2.18
Seizures in pediatric age group are generally signaling a potentially serious underlying systemic or central nervous system disorders that require thorough clinical examination, investigation and management. It is therefore important to establish accurate diagnosis of seizures and its etiology to appropriately manage such patients. We carried out this study to evaluate different etiology of seizures and its correlation with abnormal EEG & abnormal neuroimaging in the age group of 1month to 14 years. 144 children presented with seizure to our department from September 2017 to August 2019 were enrolled in this prospective hospital based study. Detailed history, clinical examination, investigation with special emphasis to EEG & neuroimaging was done and different correlation was drawn by using SSPS 18.0 statistical analysis. Among 144 cases, 6 to 10 yr age group constituted maximum (45.14%) number of cases. Male to female ratio is 1.44:1. GTCS is the predominant pattern of seizure (63.89%) in all age groups. EEG abnormality is found in 47.92%, mostly in partial seizure type. Neuroimaging abnormality found in 27.08%. Maximum cases (25%) had infectious etiology. Pediatric seizure needs detailed history taking and careful examination. EEG has a role in specific seizure type; neuroimaging at times helps in diagnosis.
Keywords: Epilepsy, GTCS, EEG, Neuroimaging.