Title: Insurgency in the North East of Nigeria: Youth Unemployment in Focus
Author: Chioma Nonyerem Ibe (PhD Sociology)
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i2.02
Since independence, Nigeria has been witnessing uneven development.
While the southern geopolitical region peopled by the divers tribes in the South- South, South- West, and the South East have laid premium on education, the north has been lagging behind in respect.
Other demographic indices have not spoken favorably about the north. There is large illiteracy rate, high population growth, large drug abuse, large violent, large youth unemployment and a gullible religious followership. It is therefore not surprising that fanatical religious leaders found ready hands in unemployed and unemployable youths and this is an indicator of a great threat ahead if not well managed.
The Boko Haram insurgency in the north east Nigeria started in 2009.
Recent statistics from multi– sectorial assessments reveal that in 2017, 14 million civilians were seriously affected by the conflict and suffer from instable livelihoods.
In responding to the insurgency in the North East, the government of Nigeria declared state of emergency and mobilized military to safeguard the areas which helped to root out the Boko Haram insurgent area.
Investigation has shown that some of the youths being trained by UNDP arrive the venues armed with dangerous weapons and charms. Their disposition shows stubbornness and radicalization. Some have got so used to war and violence associated with it, that they need De-radicalization and psychological reorientation.