Objective: To study the B scan ultrasonography before cataract surgery in eyes with dense cataracts.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. A total of 510 patients and either sex were included. After detailed clinical examination, all patients underwent ocular B scan USG for posterior segment evaluation preoperatively.
Results: 625 eyes of 510 patients were studied. Of the 510 patients, 40.2% were 61-70 years of age and 61.8% were males. Of the 625 eyes, 78 eyes (12.5%) had one or more than one positive finding on Bscan USG. It was found that the most common findings were R.D and PVD found in 4% and 2% of the eyes respectively followed by posterior staphyloma (1.6%),choroidal detachment (1.6%).and vitreous hemorrhage in 0.8% eyes. Abnormal USG findings were found more frequently among hypertensives (50%) and diabetics (41.7%). Posterior synechiae was in 10.8%. The elevated IOP was observed in 5.9%.
Conclusion: B-scan ultrasound has significant importance in the preoperative evaluation of patients with dense cataracts to detect pathologies. This may influence the surgical strategy and the postoperative visual prognosis.
Keywords: Dense cataracts, Ultrasonography, Preoperative, cataract, retinal detachment.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Pooja Kanodia
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Integral Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India