Title: Castleman Disease, A Rare Lymphoproliferative Disorder
Authors: Tarkeshwar Kumar, Arjun Agarwal, Cheena Garg, Kamlesh Taori
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i8.151
Castleman disease (CD) consist of 3 immunological disorder which occurs in all age group peoples and having a similar microscopic lymph node apperance. The 3 types include Unicentric CD, HHV-8 associated Multicentric CD and HHV-8 negative Multicentric CD.
Incidence: 6500-7700 new cases every year in United States.
Case Report
We hereby report a case of 48 years old male, presented with complains of pain abdomen, persistent loose stools for 1 year, Swelling over right inguinal region. On examination, pulse rate was 76/min and blood pressure was 120/80mmHg. He had pallor, pedal edema with right cervical, right inguinal and bilateral axillary lymphadenopathy. He also had a hard tender lump at epigastric region extending up to right hypochondrium not moving with respiration.