Title: Anti-convulsant activity of Kushmandagira swarasa (juice of seed containing part of Benincasa hispida (Thunb.)Cogn.) bhavitha Yashtimadhu choorna (Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.) in Wistar Albino rats
Authors: Niya T Sivan, Dr Sara Monsy Oommen
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i8.135
Epilepsy is a group of neurological disease, characterized by epileptic seizures. On analysing the symptoms, epilepsy can be correlated with Apasmara mentioned in Ayurveda. Kushmandagira swarasa (juice of seed containing part of Benincasa hispida (Thunb.)Cogn.) bhavitha Yashtimadhu choorna (Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.) is mentioned in the context of Apasmara chikitsa in an Ayurvedic classic, Yogaratnakaram. So the present study was done the evaluation of the anti-convulsant activity of Kushmandagira swarasa bhavitha Yashtimadhu choorna in Wistar Albino rats using MES (Maximal Electro- Shock Seizure) model. Test drug was given in three doses (calculated effective dose, half the calculated effective dose and double the calculated effective dose) for seven days continuously in the suspension form. The assessment was done on the 8th day. Hind limb extension time in seconds is considered as the assessment criteria and the value obtained were compared with that of control group. The anti convulsant activity was proved in all the three test groups and the results were analysed using Mann- Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test. The study showed statistically significant results in all the test groups. Thus it confirms the anti convulsant activity of Kushmandagira swarasa bhavitha Yashtimadhu choorna.
Keywords: Kushmandagira swarasa, Yashtimadhu choorna, Anti convulsant activity.