MeningoMyeloCele (MMC) is a complex congenital spinal anomaly resulting from neural tube defect during first 4 weeks of gestation. Early surgery within 48 hours of birth should be performed to prevent rupture, infection, tethering and its sequelae.
Approach to anesthesia is multifold, proper position to protect the rupture of thin walled sac when supine, and position to secure the airway and avoid compression of cervical cord due to ACM, intraoperative blood loss and temperature management.
We report a case of 6 month, 7 kg child of MMC with ACM with hydrocephalus and bilateral congenital CTEV with a head circumference of 49 cms, and an enlarging and discharging MMC sac.
Keywords: MMC, 6 months, hydrocephalus, ACM, Position, Venous access, Hypothermia.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Daga Khushboo, MD Anaesthesia
Resident, Bombay Hospital, Institute of Medical Sciences, Mumbai, India