Congenital anomalies leads to long-term disability. various risk factors like advanced maternal and paternal ages, parental consanguinity, teratogenic agents, like infectious agents and drugs, and nutritional deficiencies . Rubella, cytomegalovirus, varicella and toxoplasma are infectious agents that are transmitted to the fetus and cause adverse effects..
Aims and Objectives: To study the proportion of congenital anomalies at tertiary rural health care and correlation in between age ,weight ,parirty, anc visits and weeks of gestation of mother and neonatal congenital anomalies
Sample Size: we took a sample size of 150 patients. All neonates diagnosed with any congenital anomalies born in or coming to nicu of prh..
Results: Most of the anomolies were in the age group of 26 to 32 and in above 32 years of age there were 55 anomalies. majoriity of anomolies were in the mothers below 60 kg weight the mean weight of the mother was 53.2.only 41 mothers attended 3 ANC visit prior to delivery whereas 81 attended for 2 times and 48 for 1 once The number of anomalies were high in newborns with gestational age between 32-36 weeks[ 89followed by those with gestational age above 36 weeks [69Twelve newborns were of gestational age of below 32 weeks
Conclusion: Most of our babies with anomalies belonged to mothers with age above 30 years thus highlighting importance of relation in mothers age and pregnancy.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Sayed Asif Umar