Background: Stature is one of the biological characteristics often used in forensic anthropology.
Aim: To determine the relationship of stature with bi-acromial breadth in North India and to derive regression equations for estimation of stature in males and females.
Material and Methods: The present study was conducted on 150 male and 150 female, in the age group of 20-40 years. Anthropometer rod was used for measurement of stature of the subject. Bi-acromial breadth was measured with the help of spreading calliper.
Results: Linear regression analysis was performed and regression equations for predicting stature from bi-acromial breadth were derived. Correlation coeffcient for predicting stature from bi-acromial breadth were 0.49 and 0.31 in males and females respectively.
Conclusion: This study provides an additional tool of stature estimation particularly in absence of other measures.
Keywords: Stature, Bi-acromial Breadth, Anthropometer Rod, Spreading Calliper.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Parul
MD Anatomy, Demonstrator, Department of Anatomy, MAMC AGROHA, Hisar, Haryana