Title: Clinical Presentation and Treatment Guidelines for Diabetic Foot Infections in Kanyakumari District
Authors: Dr Angeline Vincent, Dr Senthil Kumar
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i8.95
A diabetic foot is defined as any infra malleolar infection in a person with diabetes mellitus. The morbidity of this condition and its rising incidence has implications in the management. A multidisciplinary approach by a team of physician, surgeon, social care worker, a physiotherapist, a dietician and a podiatrist is necessary. This study over a period of 3 years includes 50 patients. 90% of our patients were above 30 years. About 40% were PEDIS grade 1 or 2 i.e with mild or no infections. About 22% had PEDIS grade 4 infections, 30% had evidence of peripheral vascular disease, neurological features were seen in 24% and renal failure in 20% of our patients. 65% of our patients had inframalleolar disease whereas the rest had leg or thigh involvement. Bone was involved in 3% of our patients. More than two micro organisms were isolated in 53% of our patients. Bacterial resistance was a problem in hospitalized patients. More than 50% of the patients needed debridement. About 21% of our patients needed partial thickness skin grafting. 30% of our patients needed amputation of toes/midtarsal amputation or below knee amputation. Treatment guidelines for these patients is given here below.
Keywords: Diabetic foot infections – DFI, Soft tissue infections, Amputation.