Title: Observational Study of Lignocaine Alone and Lignocaine with Dexmedetomidine for Intravenous Regional Anaesthesia
Authors: Dr Ajith Kumar G, Dr Anzer shah .M, Dr Baburaj .C, Dr Shamshad Beegam T S
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i8.78
Background and Aims
- Addition of Dexmedetomidine Hastens onset of IVRA
- To assess the duration of Analgesia gets prolonged with combination of Dexmedetomidine (α2 receptor agonist) and lignocaine compared to lignocaine alone for IVRA.
- To compare the quality and efficacy of Analgesia with addition of Dexmedetomidine to lignocaine and lignocaine alone for IVRA for post OP pain relief.
- Study the incidence of side effects.
Methods: this study was observational study and conducted after obtaining Institutional Ethics Committee approval and written Informed consent. Fifty patients in the age group 20 – 60 years belongs to ASA physical status 1 was selected to participate in the study. Both emergency as well as elective patients were included.
Results: Minimum period of post operative analgesia in the Dexmedetomidine (study group) was 180 mts and maximum was 540 mts with a mean value of 343.2 mts, in the control group it was varied from 5 mts to 30 mts with a mean of 17.8 mts.
Conclusion: The present study concludes that addition of 0.5µg/kg of Dexmedetomidine along with 0.5% preservative free lignocaine can be recommended for Intravenous regional analgesia of extremity surgeries as it offers a simple, inexpensive and safe means of good quality postoperative analgesia.
Keywords: Dexmedetomidine, Preservative free lignocaine, Intravenous Regional Anaesthesia.