Title: To study epidemiological profile of dog bite cases attending anti rabies centre at SMS Hospital, Jaipur and pretreatment practices adopted by them following animal bite
Authors: Nikita Sharma, Govardhan Meena, Monika Rathore, Mahesh Verma, Dilip Raj, Rajeev Yadav
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i8.20
Background: Rabies is a deadly Zoonotic disease caused by RNA virus Lyssa virus Type 1, most often transmitted to humans through a dog bite. As it is a fatal disease, most of these deaths could be prevented through post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), including immediate wound washing, rabies immunoglobulin administration and vaccination. Various myths and socio cultural practices causes hindrance for rabies control and prevention.
Aim & Objectives: To study epidemiological profile of dog bite cases attending anti rabies clinic attached to SMS medical College, Jaipur and pretreatment practices adopted by them following animal bite.
Materials and Methods: The present cross sectional study was conducted at Anti-rabies vaccination (ARV) center of SMS Medical College, Jaipur. A total of 150 cases were interviewed by using pre designed pre tested structured questionnaire.
Results: A total of 150 dog bite cases were surveyed in the present study. Most of the cases belonged to the age group 5-25 years. The proportion of male victims were higher compared to the female victims. Majority (62.5%) of the bites were by pet dogs. Lower limbs were the most common biting sites in majority (83.2%) of the cases. and only 6.2% had washed the wound with soap and water.
Conclusions: With immediate pre treatment knowledge and post exposure treatment prevention of rabies is virtually assured. There is a strong need for generating awareness in public and community about rabies and animal bite.
Keywords: Dog bite, post-exposure prophylaxis, immediate wound washing, anti rabies vaccination.