Background: Healthcare workers are exposed to a variety of biological hazards. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that of the 35 million health-care workers, 2 million experience percutaneous exposure to infectious diseases each year. 37.6% of Hepatitis B, 39% of Hepatitis C and 4.4% of HIV/AIDS in Health-Care Workers around the world are due to needle stick injuries. Health care organizations in the west have well-equipped occupational health centre which not only provide pre-employment checks and screening, but also give specific advice following occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens in line with the recommendations for post-exposure prophylaxis. While industries are required to have occupational centres in their setting, it is ironic that medical institutions and hospitals in India and many south asian countries do not have occupational health screening and effective pre-employment checks for their own employees.
Material and Methods: A pubmed search of “occupational health screening for health care workers-was conducted. A search of websites health ministry of ten south asian countries (except Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) was conducted to find existing guidelines for occupational health screening of health care worker. An email communication was sent to ministry of health departments of eight south asian countries enquiring for presence of recommendations or guidelines for occupational health screening of health care worker and pre admission screening tests for graduate and post graduate medical courses. A similar e mail was to at least one medical education institution of nine south east asian countries and medical councils of eight south east asian countries.
Results: Website search of health ministry and medical councils of south east asian countries did not reveal any existing guidelines for occupational health screening of health care worker. Response to our email questionnaire was obtained from health ministries of only two countries, one medical council and one medical institute. There is a urgent need for the establishment of occupational health services for healthcare workers in India and south asian countries where it is non existant.
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Corresponding Author
Narendra P L, MD, PDFC, MRCA, MRCS-I
Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Purale Shivamogga 577222, Karnataka, India