The successful treatment of teeth with substantial damage to the tooth structure not only depends on good endodontic treatment, but also on prompt post endododontic restoration of the tooth after the completion of the same. The primary purpose of the post is to retain a core that holds the definitive prosthesis. A post and core also helps to improve the fracture resistance following RCT when the remaining tooth structure is very less. Keeping in mind, the wide array of post systems available, it is critical to decide the type of post endodontic restoration according to the clinical situation. When a large amount of tooth structure is lost or if an insufficient ferrule is present, a custom cast post and core is indicated. The following case reports depicts the restoration of carious anterior teeth after using custom cast posts followed by PFM crowns.
Keywords: custom cast post, ferrule, anterior teeth, post endodontic restoration, PFM crowns.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Saad Saeed Alshahrani
Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, KFMMC