Title: Spectrum of Eyelid Tumors at a Tertiary Eye Care Centre in Kerala
Authors: Dr Reena Abdul Rasheed, Dr Rohit Khatri
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.158
- To study demographic pattern & distribution of various eyelid tumors.
- To study clinical profile of eyelid tumors
- To evaluate clinic-pathological correlation of eyelid tumors.
Methods: 35 Patients presenting to our eye care centre with clinical features suggestive of an eyelid tumor between Jan 2012 & May 2013 were included in the study. Data collected includes age , sex , geographical location , predisposing factors of study population. Provisional diagnosis was made based on clinical features & morphological characteristics of lid swelling, extent of involvement, orbital invasion & associated systemic features. Histo-pathological diagnosis was made from the biopsy specimens obtained. The extent of correlation between the clinical diagnosis & the histopathological diagnosis was analyzed.
Results: 35 patients were included for analysis. Majority of the patients(31%) were in the age group of 41 to 60 years. 63% patients were females(n=22). 60% of them were from urban areas(n=21).
All the patients presented with complaints of swelling over the eyelid, 11% had mechanical ptosis. 57% of the lesions were located on the upper eyelid.
Histopathologically 17% (n=6) of the tumors were malignant, the rest being benign. Most common tumors were Intradermal naevus 20%, Dermoid cyst 20% & Capillary Hemangioma 20%.
Clinical diagnosis was correlating with pathological diagnosis in 91% of cases (n=31).
Conclusions: This study gives us some insight into the spectrum of eyelid tumors presenting to this tertiary referral centre. A reliable clinical diagnosis can be made based on the morphological & associated features of the mass lesion, which in most cases correlates with the histo-pathological diagnosis.
Keywords: Eyelid, Tumors, histopathology.