Aim: The aim of the study is to analyze the incidence, mode of presentation of Benign Breast Disease, Clinical & pathological correlation of benign breast disease, and to Study & compare various modes of management.
Materials and Methods: The study of benign breast lumps includes random selection of a total of 50 cases. Besides the routine investigations Fine Needle Aspiration Cytotogy (FNAC) was done in almost all the cases. The follow up of the prospective cases were re-examined at the hospitals. 20 patients returned to the hospital for follow-up. The follow-up included recording of the patients' symptoms and clinical findings related to recurrent breast lumps. At the end of the study period and follow-up the material was analysed and the results were tabulated. The test of significance used in the statistical analysis was the proportion test.
Conclusion: The findings of this clinico-pathological study of benign breast lumps collaborates with the findings of earlier works in most aspects, but differs with respect to the management of fibroadenomas in teenagers.
Keywords: Benign Breast Disease, Fine Needle Aspiration Cytotogy (FNAC), breast lumps, and fibroadenomas.
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Corresponding Author
Dr. N. Junior Sundresh
Professor, Department of Surgery, R.M.M.C.H, Annamalai University